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Cultural Differences in Psychology

How cultural differences can affect our perception and behavior.

Cultural Differences in Psychology

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  1. Maslow, A.H. (1943). A Theory of Human Motivation. Psychology Review, 50(4), 370-396.
  2. Henrich, J., Heine, S.J. and Norenzayan, A. (2010). The weirdest people in the world? Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 33(2-3). 61-135.
  3. Jack, R.E., Caldara, R., Schyns, P.G. (2012). Internal Representations Reveal Cultural Diversity in Expectations of Facial Expressions of Emotion. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 141(1). 19-25.
  4. Ainsworth, M.D.S. and Bell, S.M. (1970). Attachment, Exploration, and Separation: Illustrated by the Behavior of One-Year-Olds in a Strange Situation. Child Development. 41(1). 49-67.
  5. Van Ijendoorn, M.H. and Kroonenburg, P.M. (1988). Cross-cultural Patterns of Attachment: A Meta-Analysis of the Strange Situation. Child Development. 59(1). 147-56.
  6. Dillon, L.M. and Beechler, M.P. (2010). Marital satisfaction and the impact of children in collectivist cultures: a meta-analysis. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology. 8(1). 7-22.
  7. Masuda, T., Ellsworth, P.C., Mesquita, B., Leu, J. and Van de Veerdonk, E. (2008). Placing the face in context: cultural differences in the perception of facial emotion. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 94(3). 365-381.
  8. Sternberg, R.J. and Grigorenko, E.L. (2004). Intelligence and culture: how culture shapes what intelligence means, and the implications for a science of well-being. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 1427-1434.
  9. Berry, J.W. (1969). On Cross-Cultural Comparability. International Journal of Psychology. 4(2). 119-128.
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