Fight or Flight Response Revision Quiz
Test your knowledge of the fight-or-flight response with this revision quiz.

Fight or Flight Response Revision Quiz
18 questions
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How well do you understand the fight-or-flight response? What causes it and what are the signs of this bodily response? Test your knowledge with this quiz.
1. What kind of reaction is the fight-or-flight response primarily?
2. What type of situation might trigger the fight-or-flight response?
3. What evolutionary purpose does the fight-or-flight response serve?
4. The fight-or-flight response is also referred to as ______________.
5. The fight-or-flight response is the initial stage of what?
6. True or false? The fight-or-flight response may be observed in humans?
7. Signs of the fight-or-flight response are triggered by which part of the autonomic nervous system?
8. Which of these is common sign of the fight-or-flight response?
9. What happens to the heart rate during the fight-or-flight response?
10. Aside from fight or flight, what other response to a threat has been observed in animals?
11. Who first proposed the proposed the fight-or-flight response?
12. What type of reaction is the fight-or-flight response to a stressor?
13. Which of the following is a typical sign of the fight-or-flight response?
14. What happens to the pupils of the eye during the fight-or-flight response?
15. Where is the fight-or-flight response believed to begin?
16. The adrenal glands release what as part of the fight-or-flight response?
17. What is the name of another hormone commonly linked to the fight-or-flight response?
18. In evolutionary psychology, the fight-or-flight response is an example of what?
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