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Emotions and Memory

How do your emotions affect your ability to remember information and recall past memories?

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Emotions and Memory

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  1. Mackay, D.G., Shafto, M., Taylor, J.K., Marian, D.E., Abrams, L and Dyer, J.R. (2004). Relations between emotion, memory, and attention: Evidence from taboo Stroop, lexical decision, and immediate memory tasks. Memory & Cognition. 32(3). 474-488.
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  10. Walker, W.R., Skowronski, J.J., Gibbons, J.A., Vogl, R.J. and Ritchie, T.D. (2009). Why people rehearse their memories: Frequency of use and relations to the intensity of emotions associated with autobiographical memories. Memory. 17(7). 760-773.
  11. Kennedy, Q., Mather, M. and Carstensen, L.L. (2004). The Role of Motivation in the Age-Related Positive Bias in Autobiographical Memory. Psychological Science. 15(3). 208-214.
  12. Richards, J.M. and Gross, J.J. (2000). Emotion Regulation and Memory: The Cognitive Costs of Keeping One's Cool. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 79(3). 410-424.
  13. Koch, K., Pauly, K., Kellermann, T., Seiferth, N.Y., Reske, M., Backes, V., Stöcker, T., Shah, N.J., Amunts, K., Kircher, T., Schneider, F. and Habel, U. (2007). Gender differences in the cognitive control of emotion: An fMRI study. Neuropsychologia. 45. 2744-2754.
  14. Kuhlmann, S., Piel, M. and Wolf, O.T. (2001). Impaired Memory Retrieval after Psychosocial Stress in Healthy Young Men. The Journal of Neuroscience. 25(11). 2977-2982.
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